
Workplace Health Checks
by QualityCare Nursing

Do you run a business with staff? The well being of your employees is critical for your business and that explains why corporate or workplace health checks have become almost common practice across the world. Research shows that organisations that take a proactive approach to their employees’ health and well being record increase in productivity and a decrease in sick leave and staff turnover.

At QualityCare Nursing, we can organize a workplace health check for your organization. Run by our experienced healthcare professional comprising of nurses with specialization in various fields, our health checks work on two levels – a) they provide you, the employer, with an overview of your workforces health risks, allowing you to tailor future initiatives and b) they also provide your employees with insights into their health through a face-to-face session with a qualified health professional.

Workplace Health Checks generally include the following:

  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Height, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Body fat %
  • Stroke risk

To book an appointment for a Workplace Health Check with QualityCare Nursing, please call 1300QCARE1 or 1300 722 731

Trained, Professional Nursing Stuff.
Ready to work with you.

1300 QCARE1 Or 1300 722 731



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