Home and community care services are designed to enable patients to get care at home rather than in a hospital or long-term care facility, and to live as independently as possible.
Community Care is a suite of adaptable and individualized services designed to help patients who are in a position to choose home stay over a care facility. Getting a little help with daily activities means they can stay independent in their own home for longer. In fact, a little support can lead to a much better life.
Help at home looks different for different people. It may mean getting help with shopping and cooking. Or it could be receiving personal care to bath, dress, and get in and out of bed. It may even mean getting modifications to improve your safety and movement around the house.
Community health nurses work with individuals and their families to help them manage their condition, maintain their health, and treat any current health issues. At the same time as assisting a patient's caregiver, community nurses strive to encourage and preserve patient independence, safety, and a healthy lifestyle.