
Types of Disability Care Services in Australia

For people living with disability, managing their everyday life can be a challenge. Disability care is a broad the erm used for the different ways in which people with disabilities can find help. The care can be in the form of family or local support, in-home care, or care in an aged care facility.

In-Home Disability Care

In-home disability care involves aids and services to help you live independently. When it comes to products, there is a wide range including reaching and turning aids; sitting, standing, and walking support; cleaning aids; emergency call systems; wheelchairs; etc.

If you're looking for a person to help you with your day-to-day life, many companies are providing in-home care services.
Here are some of these services:


If you’re looking for someone to chat with or go out for a walk with, companionship is this service you can look into. The service is flexible in that you can decide when during the day you need a companion.

Domestic Help

Domestic in-home care involves everything from cleaning tasks to shopping. Domestic care handles everyday tasks like dusting, mopping, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms. They also help you with paying your bills, buying groceries, and other household tasks that are part of your daily life.

Personal Care

Personal care is another staple of in-home disability services. It includes everything from grooming and showering to eating and toileting.

Respite Service

Disability Services also facilitate family members to take care of their commitments. The care providers look after you while your family member is away.

Pet Care

If you have pets to look after, the care provider can help with feeding and grooming them as well.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The insurance scheme focuses on early intervention to reduce the impact of disability. You can access the NDIS if you have a disability that stops you from taking part in everyday activities. To qualify, you should be also under 65 years of age when you first access the scheme.

Allied Health Services

Allied health professionals can be an important support for you while living with a disability. Different types of health professionals are available under Allied Health services. For example, if you are struggling with maintaining balance, you may use the services of a physiotherapist.

Aged Care Facilities

These facilities are designed for people with mobility issues. The facilities are staffed with health professionals and nurses that provide continuous care. So, if you’re dealing with a severe disability, moving to such a facility is something you can consider.

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